
Python Programming for Digital Humanities

Undergraduate course, Intermediate course, Waseda Unviersity, School of International Liberal Studies (open to all of Waseda), 2022

This course is an undergraduate level intermediate course teaching practical programming skills for beginners since 2021.

Data and Social Media Analysis

Undergraduate course, Advanced course, Waseda Unviersity, School of International Liberal Studies (open to all of Waseda), 2022

This course is an undergraduate level advanced course teaching intermediate practical programming skills with a data analysis and social media analysis focus since 2021.

Introduction to Digital Humanities

Undergraduate course, Introductory course, Waseda Unviersity, School of International Liberal Studies (open to all of Waseda), 2022

This course is an undergraduate level introductory course teaching digital humanities methods to students of liberal arts since 2021.

Introductory Statistics

Undergraduate course, compulsory course, Waseda Unviersity, School of International Liberal Studies, 2022

A compulsory course to all SILS students.

Digital Intimacy: Media, habits, and affect.

Graduate course, Tampere University, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, 2021

This course is a graduate level course on digital intimacy. I was a guest lecturer and talked about computational approaches to measuring intimacy and emotion in online sources.

Citizen Science: Crowd-sourcing as a Tool for Collecting Quantitative and Qualitative Data

Graduate course, University of Helsinki, Department of Digital Humanities, 2021

This course is a graduate level, UNAEuropa, course teaching students about crowdsourcing and citizen science for various digital humanities projects. This course was co-taught with Suzie Thomas and the focus was split on cultural heritage studies and crowdsourcing annotations for language technology projects.

Methods for Digital Humanities

Graduate course, University of Helsinki, Department of Digital Humanities, 2016

This course is a graduate level course teaching digital humanities methods to students of various humanities and social science disciplines.

Introduction to Language Technology

Underaduate course, University of Helsinki, Department of Digital Humanities, 2015

This course was a compulsory course for all students of languages. The focus was on teaching both the applications of language technology and how language and computers are intertwined, but also many practical tools. These tools included:

Project Course in English Linguistics

Graduate course, University of Helsinki, Department of Modern Languages, English Philology, 2015

For graduate students of English philology and the English teaching program. Focusing on practical tasks for the Language Change Database and teaching students to digest information from academic papers focused on diachronic corpus linguistics.